“I have a problem. I'm developing an application that requires users to register, I am saving all users' posts. On top of that I am analyzing their activity in the app and also sending business messages to all customers. Oh, and I also need further information to do my bookkeeping. The problem is that I need to inform people about this, but I can't find anywhere what that actually means. And I don't even know how to inform them."
That's exactly what you need a document called a "Privacy Policy" for.
Price: from 12 000 CZK + VAT
This includes drafting the text of an information document about the processing of personal data, which you will use to inform data subjects about how you handle their personal data.
The exact elements are set out in Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR. You need to inform subjects about:
The wording is entirely up to you. For example, Writers' HQ ↗ use a rather expressive, but at the same time quite funny and honest style. This is how they handled informing about the right to be forgotten, for example
Or you can contact us. We'd be happy to tailor a document that matches the language of your product.
My app has not, does not, and will not process any personal data. Perfect! If there's no need and the personal data would not be for any purpose, it's definitely great that you don't process any data. Just watch out! But AppStore or Google Play, for example, will ask you to disclose this information document when publishing your app.
In that case, we'll give you some advice for free: "Just state that you don't process any personal data." It can even be an interesting business ploy. Ecquire, for example, has taken advantage of this:
So even if Justin Bieber asks them, unfortunately they can't provide anything! :)