Trademark registration

Would you like to register your name of your company or product as a trademark? Why is registering a trademark the right solution to unpleasant situations, what to prepare in advance and how can we help you?

Price for legal services: depending on the type of trademark and the scope of the research from CZK 16,000 + VAT (we will prepare a customized quote for you)

You have a great name for your new product, and it took you a while to find the right one. You also had an outside graphic designer create a new logo, which cost no small amount of money. But your competitor is trying to emulate you - creating a similar name and even copying your logo and putting it on similar products.

You are therefore afraid that customers will confuse your product with that of a competitor. Then you find out that your competitor has registered an imitation of your brand as a trademark! Now you have no choice but to scramble for data to prove who came up with the brand before you did (if the country protects unregistered labels at all - if not, the competitor may have the upper hand and you will be out of luck).

How to avoid this unpleasant scenario? The best way to prevent such situations is to register your trademark early.

How can we help you with trademark registration?

  • we will advise you on how your trademark can look like and where to register it
  • we'll tell you how much the administrative fees will be for the office
  • we will help you check that your trademark meets the necessary requirements so that the Office does not refuse to register it
  • we will check that no one has the same or similar mark yet so that the owner of the mark does not block it (we will do a research on availability)
  • we will compile a list of products and services for which the trademark will be registered
  • prepare a power of attorney and application form and file it with the office on your behalf
  • keep you informed of the progress of the registration


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