You know it. You have several people in your company who are in charge of different processes. Each of them orders different external services and it all kind of works. But then push comes to shove and maybe a potential investor wants to see how personal data is handled.
Imagine you just need to find out what systems you use to store personal data. Or perhaps you need to provide an investor with all the processing contracts and terms and conditions you have with suppliers. Your customer may also ask you to create records of processing activities.
Don't know what exactly we're talking about? In that case, we're here. We'll provide you with an easy-to-understand overview of how your personal data is processed and whether everything is in perfect order.
Price: from 15 000 CZK + VAT
The way we will work together is that we will send you a list of questions asking you:
No need to worry, we will explain everything to you in simple terms.
The early days of GDPR are long gone. Don't expect us to just prepare a long document assessing how personal data is processed at your company.
The result is a comprehensive assessment, including specific recommendations on how to proceed. We will make changes straight away where possible, drafting documents and ensuring communication with suppliers.
We dare to say that the output will be a properly set up company that has all processes in line with GDPR.