Labour law

The heart of every company is its employees. As part of our labour law services, we help clients to legally regulate their work results, set up employment contracts, and also create ways to motivate employees.

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David Šupej - Služby
What do we offer

Employment agreement

We will prepare a clear, clearly and concisely written employment contract that meets your needs.

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In addition to the employment contract, we will also prepare for you any of the agreements for work outside the employment relationship.

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Home office

We will prepare for you an agreement on the terms and conditions of working from home, because even with a home office and set everything in accordance with the Labour Code.

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Qualification agreement

We will prepare a qualification agreement that regulates the rights and obligations in connection with employee training.

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Contract with contractors

We will set up the contract with contractors so that there is no so-called "švarcsystém". Most often it is a framework contract for work.

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Ending of employment relationship

Although this is not a pleasant topic, we can help you assess your termination situation and suggest a course of action.

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