Employment contract

The employment contract is the core document of employment law. It is also a document that employment law simply requires. Together, we will prepare an employment contract that reflects not only all the obligations required by the Labour Code, but also other areas, for example in relation to software law ↗.

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  • Basic information
  • What the contract includes?
  • What do we need?
  • What do you get?

Employment contract

An employment contract is concluded to regulate the basic terms and conditions of the employment relationship that arises between the employee and the employer based on the contract. The essential regulation of the employment contract can be found in Section 34 of the Labour Code, which specifies what the employment contract must contain. However, this is certainly not a definitive list.

Price: from CZK 7 000 + VAT

Mandatory elements, but also something extra

In the employment contract, we set out the basic terms and conditions of employment:

  1. place of work,
  2. the type of work to be performed,
  3. the date of commencement of work,
  4. a probationary period,
  5. working hours, holidays,
  6. pay conditions,
  7. securing the rights to the employee’s copyrighted works,
  8. confidentiality

What do we need?

A description of the basic conditions under which the relationship with the employee should work, for example:

  • what kind of work the employee will do,
  • when he or she should start,
  • whether he or she will be in a management position,
  • any other information we may request from you on the basis of the questionnaire.


A well-written, clear and concise employment contract that meets your needs.

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