Agreement on work performance and agreement on work activity (in Czech commonly known as “DPP” and “DPČ”)

From the perspective of the Labour Code, there are two ways in which persons can be involved in the performance of work activities. The first option is the employment contract ↗, the second option is agreements for work performed outside the employment relationship, i. e. the agreement on work performance or agreement on work activity.

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  • Basic information
  • What it includes?
  • What do we need?
  • What do you get?


An agreement on work or an agreement to work activity is concluded if you do not have a full-time use for the employee and a more flexible form of cooperation suits you. The differences between the agreements are mainly in the possible range of hours worked.

It is possible to work a maximum of 300 hours per year on the basis of an agreement on work. Based on the agreement on work activity, there is no such limit, but it is not possible to work more than half of the weekly working time on average.

Price: from CZK 5,000 + VAT


In the agreement, we will set flexible terms of cooperation with the employee, such as:

  1. the type of activity performed,
  2. the duration of the activity,
  3. the terms of remuneration,
  4. securing the rights to the employee's copyrighted works, if appropriate,
  5. confidentiality

What do we need?

A description of the basic conditions under which the relationship with the employee should work. This includes the following information:

  • what activities the employee will perform,
  • to what extent,
  • for how long,
  • other specifics relating to confidentiality, remuneration, copyright.


A simple agreement that contains everything you need and is easy for employees to understand.

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