Contract with an employment agency for temporary assignments

Agency employment is a legal relationship that is quite specific. It is formed between three parties, namely the employee (the employment agency), the employment agency and the employer. However, agency employment has quite specific conditions, and a special permit is required for the agency to operate. Furthermore, the Labour Code sets additional rules and specifics on how an employee can be assigned. Do you not want an employment contract ↗ and are interested in having employees temporarily assigned to you through an employment agency? Then you've come to the right place.

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Agenturní zaměstnávání
  • Basic information
  • What the contract includes?
  • What do we need?
  • What do you get?

The contract will solve the shortage of "core" employees

You can't do as you wish without a contract with an employment agency if you want its employees to be temporarily assigned to work for you. The use of agency workers is a way to solve the shortage of your own ("core") employees.

Usually, a framework contract containing all the basic rules is concluded with the agency, and the assignment of a specific employee is made through a separate agreement.

Price: from CZK 14,000 + VAT

What the contract includes?

The contract sets out the rules of cooperation with the employment agency, including:

  • how employees will be booked for assignment,
  • the supervision of the assigned employees,
  • how remuneration will be paid to the agency,
  • the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) of the assigned workers, or how the cooperation will be terminated.

The contractual documentation also includes a template for an assignment order and a template for a separate agreement on the temporary assignment of a specific employee.

What do we need?

A description of the conditions under which the cooperation with the Agency should operate:

  • how long the cooperation with the agency should be,
  • how the remuneration conditions for the agency will be set,
  • how the mutual communication will work regarding the booking and assignment of employees,
  • how flexible and fast the agency should be in finding and hiring employees, etc.

What do you get?

    • A framework contract for temporary assignment (to set up the relationship with the agency).
    • A template order form (to place an enquiry for employee assignment).
    • A template of a partial agreement for the temporary assignment of an employee (to set the terms and conditions for the assignment of a specific agency employee).
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We can prepare a contract for you with an employment agency for the temporary assignment of employees

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